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installation views
December 16, 2023 - January 31, 2024
Brooklyn, New York

December 25, 2023: I documented the art show in my apartment.
The photos I took are presented on this web page and in the Portable Document Format that is linked below. This is a record of the state of the exhibition on the date of its documentation.
The title of the show “Hallucinations in the Sane” refers to an installation created by me, the tenant of this apartment. “and Other Stories” refers to other works by other artists who are guests in my apartment.
Those other works are in this apartment because: 1. They were given to me as a gift by the artist in the past. 2. I purchased them from the artist or from a previous owner. 3. The artist agreed that I install their work in my apartment temporarily, in the context of this exhibition.
The other artists are: Anna Ting Moller, Bella Volovnick, Christopher Michel Torres, Édouard Manet, Elisheva Gavra, Eliyahu Fatal, Jing Harren, Julian Zehnder, Layla Klinger, Lena Chermoshniuk, Matthew Buckingham, Ralph Lemon, Robbie Rogers and Fierce Pussy.

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